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Four Signs That Mean You Need Garage Door Repair

Your garage door is an important and vital part of your home. You likely use it several times a day and rely on it as an access point to your home. If you haven’t been the best at keeping up on the maintenance of your garage door, then you may find yourself needing a garage door repair. Some signs of needing a garage door repair are kind of obvious while others are not. To help you know if you need a garage door repair, we have included the top four signs of needing repairs.

  1. Noises – Your garage door should operate smoothly without any popping or grinding sounds. If you notice either of these sounds, it is likely that it is misaligned or dragging against the track. In either case, it is important to call a professional to repair your garage door.
  2. Slow Response – If your garage door is taking longer than normal to open or close and regular maintenance has been completed, then it is time to call a knowledgeable and skilled garage door repairman.
  3. Off Balance – A garage door that doesn’t close correctly or sags is likely to be off balance. Operating a garage door that is off balance can be very dangerous. We recommend having it assessed and repaired ASAP.
  4. Won’t Open/Close – This is a pretty obvious sign that there is an issue, and your garage door need to be repaired. If you find that your garage door won’t open or close, and the opener is plugged in with power, then you are going to need to call a professional garage door repairman.