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Home > Residential & Commercial Doors Blog > Squeaky Garage Door? You May Need a Garage Door Tune-Up

Garage Door Tune-UpA squeaky garage door may mean you have an alignment issue — or there could be something on the track. A garage door that sticks when you try to open and close it may mean dirt in the track or a lack of lubrication. If your door opens on its own, your springs may be too tight. While some problems are only annoyances, it is important that you seek out a garage door tune-up before they turn into costly repairs.

A garage door tune-up can be a quick solution for the small problems you face throughout the life of your garage door. You may not know how big of an issue your problem is until you have a trained technician check out the problem. Sometimes an odd noise is just dirt, while other times it can mean a larger, more important safety issue.

For garage doors that see regular use, it is recommended that they be checked annually. This will help to keep your garage door in proper working order, ensuring there are no major safety hazards and helping to prevent costly repairs in the future. A garage door tune-up will include an inspection of all the working parts, including rollers, tracks, and the electrical system.  A tune-up will also include adding lubrication and fixing any alignment issue.

If you want to ensure a long life for your garage door as well as safe home access for your family, contact us at Doors by Nalley of Lake Norman, Inc. today.